Many competition BBQ teams prefer to wrap their brisket, ribs, etc. in Peach Paper (also know as Butchers Paper), rather than tin foil. We at BBQ World Malta secured a source of heavy-duty 750 mm-wide Peach Paper in easy-to-handle 50 mtr rolls.
Made by a specialist mill in the USA, where it is also known as Steak Paper, BBQ World Malta Peach Paper is specially formulated to reduce the effect of the atmosphere around red meat after it has been cut, therefore helping to preserve meat by retaining its color and moisture. Meat placed Peach Paper retains its blood and juices which improve both appearance and shelf life.

When smoking, meat wrapped in Peach Paper will keep the juices with the meat, and unlike many inferior papers, it is strong enough to peel straight from the meat when wet or dry without tearing or leaving paper attached. For more info Tel: 21230349 Mob: 99495359.

Original price was: €47.20.Current price is: €42.90.

Availability: In stock


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